
Showing posts from January, 2018


grammer i have been thinking about grammer these day i was up set because young people cant speak right i mean you know and move on i wanna ask about how to impress your feeling i mean how your feeling when you in love? that is a big question . i maybe know all about yeah you know but i dont know about love ? i've watch youtube they have a lot of idea but the question is not that the question i s how to MAKE it,how to make it comes real how to make it happen? you have known . maybe i can speak these but tomorrow i never know if i die . or yeah you know? maybe that's all i have been thinking just about that give me your opinion i would be love,thank you

being a blogger

you can say what you can make what you want ,that's i like and you can say a word yeah like now,mayber you dont know what i was talking but one day you will know ,hehe and.. it will famous. pray and we watch everything now 2018 maybe the style is different and you should see the real..i am the creator word creator ,i like people who love read..and i dont like lazy people i think they dont use they life for purpose ,i cant find the word,now i found i love making blog,you should babe' wkkwkwkw and im a christian i dont care what people say about me as long as my relationship between me and my God is good,you can say whatever you want,how great is our God. i was wasting my life so bad before but now im trying to be realistic ,i was lazy and sad girl but im trying hard to become pretty girl ,i dont like school im trying to study i like drink im trying to get it a away im not perfect maybe you better but i know my God is bigger,i know my plan is not good enough than His pl


serang is place near banten and we like to go to anyer here's the story after we got bogor me ofcourse with my friends got home my friend living in serang i need to take a rest wkwk so yeah to sleep the trip only one hour and the road is not bad im driving my friends car there is krakatau steel ,and so many the place is so fancy we think we need to see marbella its five star hotel i was in hotel so,and here is the picture yeah the water is not cool but the building so big the place is legend move we can see from the plant the picture is not in good quality because i take with broke camera move on we like to see "mercusuar lighthouse" cool and so historical place you have to lose your shoes to come up there you need to take stair to see all carita beach,it really make me feel like i was a kid ,honestly that is my first my cousins come so many time,i was curious and i feel like happy can come there .because my grandpa is indonesian hero

bogor men

so i was so tired because the of event ,christmas year..etc suddenly my friend chat me and want to go to bogor to finish her pepper then we got to ipb university,which is in bogor..we come to the library there is so dusty and old style ,actually so uncomfortble the smell is so not good aka bad wkwk and the place is almost broken but there is computer we come in and i dont the the name uncle come to us and give us key to locker for item, we cant use our shoes there my friend say she just want to check and then go..but i feel so satisfied to come there next we and our group go to asinan thing we buy 2 item fruit and the second one is vegetable i dont like the soup taste like shrink but i like the place we can talk with other people and ask how are they?so many food there but i just try 3 foods the legendaris "kue tete" i try remind me of child hood my friend like it so much too like me hehe for you guys who dont know kue tete ,kue tete is cake the colour is green and


Image talking about sport we need some touch called sport especially the Dress we love wearing dress and not just basic dress but awesome dress right? and the point to wear a gorgeous dress is body we need hot body that is why we need sport even run is good. and talk about dress the design must be perfect . because we know what we wear is must same with the thing ,yeah i talk about sporty dress it just cool act man..and grey dress is fun today all girl like it maybe boys too! and with jacket leather cover them will be great ,move to shoes i like shoes very much it called foot cover in israel but we r not living in old style we love adidas everyone love duh! skin ,skin is importante men ,we as human like body and white skin is still famous ,i told you because the president in us named donald trump is white men wwwkwkwkwkkw, just wondering and talk about dress they love dress in my opinion london is the good place if you wanna be a good fashioner.. mm wha


What we see not always what we got, people are often think that they need they have to get.i need you all to see the different i meant the clear mind behind that.let see the example with the pink and as you know can always fight and jump,dont bother other tell me and be listener king is king ,and reserve is queen ,like a castle ,bird is white .. and people listen to what they like ,i make this and i dont think. just read the blog ,what i make is better than yours yeah.dont look at other page just focus on what you make and see the girl can show you how they like what you need everybody dont like lie ,lie ..a lie is like what people think and got i often act like i dont know what they like because i care about each other first and dont want they got ugly you know what i mean,and i often see the boy dont care about girl because they want girl like them like i wanna touch you ,yeah they what they think.this is blog and every year is cool 2018 is nice number..i found better word ,i know

family (for real)

we are trisno