What we see not always what we got, people are often think that they need they have to get.i need you all to see the different i meant the clear mind behind that.let see the example with the pink and as you know can always fight and jump,dont bother other tell me and be listener
king is king ,and reserve is queen ,like a castle ,bird is white .. and people listen to what they like ,i make this and i dont think.
just read the blog ,what i make is better than yours yeah.dont look at other page just focus on what you make and see the girl can show you how they like what you need everybody dont like lie ,lie ..a lie is like what people think and got i often act like i dont know what they like because i care about each other first and dont want they got ugly you know what i mean,and i often see the boy dont care about girl because they want girl like them like i wanna touch you ,yeah they what they think.this is blog and every year is cool 2018 is nice number..i found better word ,i know it will be good and nice because i know God exist .they often said God is good God is in you whatever but we call them love,i dont know in indonesia we dont care and be nice with brother want me to stay focus on my blogger i said i will thats why i make this write because my brother will married this year i need to work,my father doesnt want me to go to work because he think im pretty i dont want everything i want someone who can always be my baby like my daughter and we know my daughter is girl
all my family like my blog thats why i need to make one and i know i have so many aunt and uncle i dont have grand pa or grand ma when i was in high school they already gone i was sad but im mom have boyfriend and my dad have so many kids so i need to be wise.he have so many boy and i am the older girl have to make sure family the family i dont know.we  make like pasta haha
just make sure it will be okay because we have to move maybe oneday to us.i know they know my voice it will always be the same here i think they dont know we are real here we like to say that i need smart people,i like indonesia but the food ,just the food,not the song not the people,they hate us they bad,i like all kind people like my family,food is what the people are..what you eat is you.they call diet ,why i hate indonesia because they dont know blogger,they need to learn the job men!
i make this write because i see all people down they need us,they need some one who can guide who can make them better who cant be seperated and we are here not like food they them and throw it away.i hate that.the thing is we need to show some respect ,huge and big respect.learn speak with good language for the nice future.. next the gay thing i dont know why they want to be gay?they dont like eat or what.they want boy but they boy? i dont understand why?they sick.3 weeks ago i meet my friend's friend he is gay but a week ago he like him i dont know,i dont care?
yeah indonesia is bad
maybe the food is not delicious and people dont like it..rock it i often like cake but now i feel bad when i eat them.because i can tell they sick,i feel ugly when i eat family dont know and they still give me more of it,mm what more in my family we learn and must be kind especially to each other we need to be good for other and for the group of family because in life we are social..and dont forget we human i like pretty and nice people in life we need to be patient and be powerful thats what my father said when i was younger and i feel im young 25, like food it will always be people favorite not just all day but all year yeah ,im young like food.maybe because im indonesia when i was kid thats what i said,i remember the voice like i know it will happen like it my destiny not like destiny child but yes im destiny you know what i mean..i like smart people i dont like dirt thats why i dont like dirty people we won because we are clean and clear yeah we have it all guys..i dont know what and why but it will always be enough with the faith we just need more one faith and we can be cool like blogger..i can be sad i was fun girl and they know me so well hehe,back to reality we love learn and play i play so hard when i was high school im the queen and i was smart like other too,hope you know that hehe..because famous is a must
my daughter know that..she is so pretty and fun every people like her and she is the princess in school im tired she is so cool,i said she need eat but she have her mind,i said i love her she still dont want me


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