
Showing posts from 2023

it's rui home



This is aldo bae T home he is an astronaut and he live alone I plan to stay at his house for no longer asap cuz yeah he s fun


We go straight and calm maybe people will be confused by the plan but here's the good and keep pray keep ask to God keep in the line don't forget to focus about what ur goal and protect your family we try our best and don't panic just chill we all human that asking the one who bigger than us peace and we all want the best for World we r one don't forget and be still don't fight with other don't angry with another keep be kind and yeah be patient this world is God gift so use it wisely the land is our stayed so take carefuly be people that ur family want to be or ur nation wanna be and share the love share kindness share respect love ur weakness 



national Geographic


job vaca




job for jobless Gobless do more talk less


mmm ngapain ya

lg nguping?

publish engga?


ngomongin madalah dunia?>


oh gojek


gaji gw


papa ig

Coba pencet DP ig bapak gw? 

kawin lari depan muka


podcast bfz

Hanamasa is the place where we burn everything there boom we like the 4 mistlketters there and yeah we sound so noise when we brought the ham and Berry important we like the meet.  Lesee means laser when I child that is my fave toy and yeah it's red light 🏮 like mm pee you know and you can change the lamp like skull shape yeah it's modern and fun you can laser eye people and car yeah 


It's from 1997 until 1997 you know? I buy this just 1 Noni billion dolla and it's delicious because it's healthy and yeah it's family tradition in indonesia 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩 and yeah 








Manado is my fam it's family code I can't tell you and yeah it's hard to say here but I need speak up cuz yeah this so importantante and fishy cuz everybody say we r bitch but it's not true everybody just see is from the outside not from the inside and it's hurt actually and so deep


Q what's your biggest fear?  A no money  Q what's thing that make you happy?  A play Q what's your fave day?  A Halloween Q what's your dream?  A be a model Q what's your fave brand?  A lv Q what's your fave toy?  A sorry?  Q what's your fave sport?  A soccer Q who your biggest fan?  A you.  Q what's your fave song?  A bitch better have my money riry Q What is your fave band?  A simple plan Q What is your secret?  A having a treasure.  Q What is your fave resto?  A mcd Q What is your shampoo?  A Jhonny andrean shampoo Q What is your soap?  A imperial Lether Q are you single?  A yes Q are you having a baby?  A depend Q are you like girl?  A yes Q are you ready to merry with me?  A yes

banana fry

Feel like moise and warm from the oven and taste like banana like sweet sour lil bubble gum taste like jungle  When you eat it like free  Like you swim in the caramel Imagine you naked everytime Free like monkey  Fun like zebra  Happy like elephant Fast like cheetah Madagascar is your mind Podcast is your job  You can be everyone else in the earth Like Michael Jackson  White black white black  He free He sing like no one hear Screaming like he like Legend 👏 No body want to hug which is good and free And don't forget bpa is free Also share is free  Yes there is also a lamb Jesus is chick Thick Like you know? 

love the dead

When you miss me I feel it so many love come but I ignore it When people say Im jerk don't listen to them When people say I'm bitch don't listen to them I just girl that love Jesus until it's in my blood Don't hear them because I was sad You are the one that I can't make happy You are the one that I want miss I know you always want to be with me I do my best God only know All my friends are toxic  No you don't know baby  I make you know 


Song in my ear touch like nothing Waving wet and tickle everytime R n b make me hop hop Pop make me sing Rock make me rolling All good and it's well Feel the vibe like Durex Nice and sweet in the ear to listen Dance what I think  And I never feel alone Everytime I hear it  I heart it No hard to work Ear Just ear I'm sinner but I can't hear I'm was energy everytime it's start Like it's blood in my passion It's meat at my bone Lord forgive me Some times I need to be alone It's cool and make you better When you angry you can listen it hope your emotion gone away And your cry be wipe away Rap in my blood hot like boiled egg Pinokio will tell if I lie I'm in love song Yeah

little indian

It's look green and great the smoke in the sky like forever  The color is white to the top Water flow to the mountains it's feel like home  Every time I come home it's feel like so homey  Like I love making paint  Like I love pray This little Indian save my memory  It's make me cry when it's come I can feel the power in my bone and it's cool It's feel like I miss something but I don't know?  Everytime I tell it I sad like it's my lover It's make me wanna seek more about this world Make me learn  Make me know Smart in it hand Victory too I can describe it like I own the sky Everytime I see it it's look like awesome I can feel the cold stab me  It's feel nice Like I wanna fall and praise it The mother land call and it's amazing You shoul see what I see and feel Like the mother earth said everyday  


It's literally brown look masculine but beautiful feel strong and easy to use the tekstur is taff the handle is light the weight is balance  I use it every day like my friend  Because it save  You know friend?  It's not save.  Different than lv You can brought it every day every where As you like When other people come  They please you like a queen  When you sad  It's cheer you up You can bring lv and be a model!  Model that love lv

my awesome life

Q Halo what is your name:  A halo my name is Ronaldo Q where you come from: A I'm come bintaro Indonesia Q how old are you?  A I'm 25 years old Q can ask about your point of you about Indonesia?  A speaking of Indonesia first it's my nationalism Q What is your favorite meal?  A my fave meal is noddles Q What is your fave color?  A my fave color is black Q What is your hobby?  A my hobby is ps Q What is your fave movie?  A my fave movie saw Q Who is your spouse?  A alvira.  Q and what you are you doing for now? Today A I'm doing my work Q What is your fave book A f written by alvira umbas Q Who is your best friend?  A Jesus Christ Q What your fave drink?  A golda coffee Italy Q What is your plan?  A be a star Q Who is your sister?  A Natalie and Yiska

harvest moon

This is a game that you can be a farmer. You can harvest like carrot, eggplant, pineapple,grape, spinach, bean, honey, etc and also you can get milks and leathers because you have animals like cow, horse, and chicken there is also a lamb that you can give chicken food they will love it, suddenly they love will be more and also you can give them shower to make sure they clean from sickness and also every new month the mayor will check you up to make sure you are fine and there is a festival every season and you can be participate to that there is swimming festival, horse festival, eat festival, ect there is so much fun, and you can also be mate with girls there is Ann, lily, Kate, marry, popuri, and also you can give the girls give like mushroom,flower, gold, diamond, if you already get high level you can merry with one of another girl and get kid which is you can give the baby name Also you can make recepts like whatever you want and you can make tools too not gun but hammer and you ca


When I sad I said ps When I lonely I said ps When I miss someone I said ps Ps is place where I put problem indid  When I angry I said ps When I cray I said ps When I cry I said ps Ps ps ps Is place where I put everything inside Like Jesus inside He is inside me. Beside me? Yeah yeah ps  Yeah ps Yeah ps  Ps is play station there is ps 1 ps 2 ps 3 ps 4 ps 5 many more. You can play resident evil, harvest moon, serious Sam, doom many more. Yeah I say ps


One upon a time I go Sunday driving like diving and I meet one boy here is the story begin he look like star like Lucifer and yeah I was curious..  Then I came to his nose "hey girl! You want a piece of me nah? " He "lol I don't wanna fight" Then he think he say "I will get you" Then I was got kidnap "get in the car" I kick the car "shit men". " Wanna go to puncak?" "After you" Then we are at puncak. "Villa, villa" "How much? "  After that incident I was fat and chubby so I become polymath

how I see painting?

White. Sometime when  I see it again it's blue I like modern painting but I can't describe it I just like the little yellow square they put there I just like white like when it's beside the yellow there and I like all. I like when it's done. So I will never gonna break it. Until I promise to my self. Like dat.. And it's expensive too so I will never.. You know? And move to another pict it's look art,simple but I wanna know more about that pict like so bad and it's like I'm dying to. I was like wow Next when I saw Leonardo da Vinci painting I was like it's so old and very expensive I feel like he take my hand say come I want you to know about era it's was awesome that I know why the painting is so expensive and you know

people industry

When I was a child I once think how about I make artist studio when famous people every where sit, talking,eating like chill hang. Maybe I will become a rich girl someday. Here's the idea you buy a space like 2000 lenght then built it like a square give a grey colour. Give big door and simple window. Then give the floor red carpet. Put mirror every where. Give a chair. Give a toilet. Don't forget changing room. For good maybe you can give pool by the side and kitchen don't forget office and office boy room. In that studio you can record people whatever your idea came out. Don't forget to put the stuff like wig, balloon, or make up

Indonesian sefood by yanto

My mommy say stop there I wanna buy yanto  I say yes Then we stop by I see menus and shocked it's internationals menu. It's menu that when all the office or king around the world meeting, greeting and eat I was held my breath like pf. You wanna know the menu? It's roast chicken, sapo tofu, roast bawal, padang sauce squid, cah kangkung#.i take a picture of it don't forget the drink is tea maybe twg?  I dont know?  "We never know? " Cah  kangkung 

bon bon ice

Bon bon ice is famous ice in the us, when I was child I see bon bon and suddenly blue child want my bon bon I say no! Lying I give the bon bon to that kid and then "boom" bon bon everywhere.. I was like "what is this" So anyway like LA La La I mean you know?  And just 10 minutes ago I go to my brother house my mom take something from fridge "yellow? " It's drugs "anyway..  Boom it's bon bon. -_-" I say give me give me🎼 My mom say no! 🚫 I go to fridge and open that item and it's bon bon Rainbow color like sleep in the fridge. Green sleep in the freez. Purple color like saint merry church. 


Being a blogger is a dream for all people in the world It like I'm so proud being a blogger  It's like a dream Maybe so many people want my position but it's like you know?  I pray hard to be patient and realistic. See the world like positive

story of my teen

I never gonna say how old I am to you..  So here's the story..  I was an ordinary teen like all my friends I school in the normal school I eat breat I drink water Like.. Everything normal anyway!  But I school in the hospitality industry which is it's fun Every time class is over I go play with my friends Until I'm famous and become a school star. But still it's indo# For good I'm not saying that indo is  I'm proud to be indo people I'm eating fish I'm girl and I did squat Anyway..

love like loly

I do love friendship I do love God I do love family I do love puppy But God say if Adam have hawa.why you not merry?  They say it's not easy They say it's beautiful Every people say to my ear Like blabla and bla I was like okay I'm merry. Okay I'm not. Like it's make me dizzy  So make relationship like God love me.. 

writer goes podcasters

I saw my dad when I was child like talk  I think for sure I like his sound then I start making noise  Now.. I become a cool podcasters in the world 🌏 I did.  I did dad..  And im so proud Speaking of podcasters it all because I write. So here's the story The world need more eye so every Sunday I go to church and I think God need hero to making people know how cool is world is. Right.. And I start making diary. It happened when I was child like mom give me Winnie the pooh diary she said everything happen in your life you can write it in this little book or note I listen carefully and I start.. 

national proud

talking about what we use everyday,national mean where you live from and we as a people use and smoke what we want every day this is must be a serious problem lately politics in our nation is such a big deal for any other candidate and we need help so many dirt thing that we should clean ,and this is the example of that true thing yeah i feel sick about that i got pain for every nation quality is the first requirement and we take care about that lot in indonesia,so many girl build her self with neighborhood witch is good and we solve one problem here like fast in 2010 where justin bieber get famous like popcorn they crazy about them and wanna stay with him actually thats an record for our country to count ,such a gold then next politic for some people is not interesting but should know that we are learn and study everyday like nut obama just said ,we copy it and listen carefully school is boring but here we can share so be humble and sit nicely beside me because what we learn


lover say im not good in love i cant be romantic i dont know what i have to say i just need time to proof ,for me love is love that is only word i want someone need me so close with me and never leave me never talk behind my back i need someone ,someone important to  me some one more than anything who can guide me in this wild world.. you can say i feel enough when you beside me ,need hug kiss and we are same at the time .and when we feel we almost forget about love. e love i said i want i needed lover dear lover i admirer you i fan of you i like you the most more than anything in this wild world kiss me in the rain and be my darling..we hook up each other dont say anything just be with me and believe if i can take you to the high to the real sky and we can meet at the end.dont say because you know i know i would ,i would do anything to you darling and be the best.because no one in this world knows what you feel .me just me and you in the sky dont close your eyes see me ne


let's move to 2018 guys ,we r all start from zero and we want to move out our life for the better future and future sounds great we like to hang each other up we like dance and party so what we gonna do is fun in 2018 we hope that life is more fun and cool new page is come so be ready and good to see the new day it's just a game like new shoes come faster like clock at the wall genks :) family maybe you can tell,but for me family is love we dont know what sure is but we can feel is kind for me love is blind because no one in this world will know when the end . 2018 is cool number we hope it gonna be fun year , dont be sad keep the spirit on fire and just do it like nike wkwkw all people see us from what they see from what they want we just be our self and be kind thats what my parents always told me and dont give up #beautiful so many people like you but only family know you thats my home work .so guys,be the best for each other and go to church wkwkkwkwkwkwkkwkwk

i love indonesia

what i love about being a blogger you can travel around indonesia like my friend he live in palembang he take s2 master math i never seen him since 2010 but we still friend he is my best friend we meet at school when i was kid like 1999 i think i was 7 years old and cute we meet at the class and we being best friend till now ,he is boy but it never broke our relationship as a friend thats why i love indonesia we have so many friends ,and he live in bintaro like me ,but i was lazy hes chemical engineering cool right,i miss my friend so much ..we live in same villa and our house is near so we close ,even our parent have rule,we have genk like detective genk whatever we promise one day when we getting big we should meet even i have child or go to us or my other friends work we have to be together i was lazy my friend always mad because i dont like study my friend really smart and i got girl friend heza she is pretty and dont like messy,im trouble maker but they love and support me so mu