i love indonesia

what i love about being a blogger you can travel around indonesia like my friend he live in palembang he take s2 master math i never seen him since 2010 but we still friend he is my best friend we meet at school when i was kid like 1999 i think i was 7 years old and cute we meet at the class and we being best friend till now ,he is boy but it never broke our relationship as a friend thats why i love indonesia we have so many friends ,and he live in bintaro like me ,but i was lazy hes chemical engineering cool right,i miss my friend so much ..we live in same villa and our house is near so we close ,even our parent have rule,we have genk like detective genk whatever we promise one day when we getting big we should meet even i have child or go to us or my other friends work we have to be together i was lazy my friend always mad because i dont like study my friend really smart and i got girl friend heza she is pretty and dont like messy,im trouble maker but they love and support me so much until now they still love me im so rich because of their love thats why i love indonesia,i dont care what they are or what they religion as long as they are  my friend i will keep him thats indonesia we are one,maybe we can meet for a long time but we still remember them like never lose them..one day we will meet i dont know where but im sure we cant be break ,because we have big big love..for one another,i have learn so much from my friend i was bad girl,i dont like playing they teach me to love what you have for purpose,i was feeling thankful so much experience i learn from them maybe i cant meet them again,but this is my write friends,indonesia is a beauiful  place and so kind it was my heart i was rise here i like people here dont be sad because it is for a good plan we are a good people.maybe this is a letter some day you will open and cry i dont know .i leave here to remember.be thankful and trust dont forget to good be good even tho the life go hard,this is the letter from my heart still pretty dont be afraid ,you have power..i still remember the word and i know it's hard but we can fix it we can change it become great yeah we alright ; it just the write you can trust or not what more when i was little i like playing bicycle with my all friends we play outside house it was fun and i will never forget it,sometimes we cry because we fall but next we forget it we forget it fast,now we i dont know adult? yeah we have chose our live and just walking on it,play with old friend is fun because they know and understand you..wkwkalviralitashyaumba.wixsite.com


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