little indian

It's look green and great the smoke in the sky like forever 
The color is white to the top
Water flow to the mountains it's feel like home 
Every time I come home it's feel like so homey 
Like I love making paint 
Like I love pray
This little Indian save my memory 
It's make me cry when it's come
I can feel the power in my bone and it's cool
It's feel like I miss something but I don't know? 
Everytime I tell it I sad like it's my lover
It's make me wanna seek more about this world
Make me learn 
Make me know
Smart in it hand
Victory too
I can describe it like I own the sky
Everytime I see it it's look like awesome
I can feel the cold stab me 
It's feel nice
Like I wanna fall and praise it
The mother land call and it's amazing
You shoul see what I see and feel
Like the mother earth said everyday



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