
lover say im not good in love i cant be romantic i dont know what i have to say i just need time to proof ,for me love is love that is only word i want someone need me so close with me and never leave me never talk behind my back i need someone ,someone important to  me some one more than anything who can guide me in this wild world..
you can say i feel enough when you beside me ,need hug kiss and we are same at the time .and when we feel we almost forget about love.
e love i said i want i needed
lover dear lover i admirer you i fan of you i like you the most more than anything in this wild world
kiss me in the rain and be my darling..we hook up each other dont say anything just be with me and believe if i can take you to the high to the real sky and we can meet at the end.dont say because you know i know i would ,i would do anything to you darling and be the best.because no one in this world knows what you feel .me just me and you in the sky
dont close your eyes see me never break me
i just want you kill my anger ,i want you be with me
we can live together thats my dream and being the one and only for you my darling say you want me and i will make forever my love..if you leave me i will die ,never ,never ever leave me my darling
i know we meet each other for a reason im here im here for you i want you to know ,i never stop loving you,i will and i never wanna hurt you.i just love you,no one in this world can fight my love for you..i promise to you to ,i will always love you


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